We acknowledge and respect the traditional lands and people in which we operate and pay our respect to past, present and emerging Elders of these lands.
At Future Drone Technologies we are committed to protection of the air, the water and lands in which we operate. We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment and will continue to contribute to positive outcomes and protecting our natural environment.
We will continually respect and care for our environment in all aspects including water flora, fauna, community and cultural heritage. We will comply with environmental legislation, regulation and legal requirements. We will make proactive use of our environmental management practices, adapt continual improvement and innovate through our operation.
We will continue to seek out and promote the use of products and services that use sustainable materials. We will consider in all our operations, being energy efficient, reducing our waste, recycling and reusing resources. We will continue to apply innovation and drive sustainable performance through our operations and involve our partners and stakeholders in our solutions.